Published: February 15, 2016

In this article
Business owners who know the importance of having a beautiful shopfront know how this will appeal to their customers and bring in better sales. Shop fit-outs aren’t cheap, but can be invaluable for a business. Your product or service should be presented in a such a way that your potential customer feels compelled to do business with you. No one likes an ugly shopfront (Google defines ugly as “something unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.”)
Imagine walking into a shopfront that feels unappealing. The floor is dirty, it’s dark and smells like leftover food that should have been eaten a week month ago. The furnishings look cheap and the room feels cold, uninviting and silent. To sum it all up, the shop is a mess.
Would you buy anything from such a shop?
Business owners often underestimate the value of digital marketing. Usually they think that something is better than nothing so they skimp on building an online presence for their business. In the long run it actually does more harm than good.
Do me a favour. Next chance you get, go down to your local shopping centre and do some “market research”. I’m sure that you’ll find that all the major retail stores are warm, inviting and attractive to the customer. It’s the same when it comes to the website for your business. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling the latest tech gadgets or local lawn mowing services. To generate more leads, and sales you have to look good online.
So, here is my first tip to successfully utilising digital marketing in your business… Invest in your website in the same way you would your shopfront!
Just like a shopfront, your website is going to require you to invest upfront. That’s right, INVEST! Websites that are done right and done well will see more customers attracted to what you have to offer as well as generating more opportunities and sales.
Don’t let potential customers get turned off by an ugly website.
Beautiful Website Design
ShowellTech provides premium website design services in Nowra. Click here to get free digital marketing advice, plus a review from one of our website design experts.
Talk to you soon,
Justin Showell
Owner | ShowellTech