Published: June 23, 2016

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Recently Justin Showell was requested to share at Bomaderry Rotary on how technology has changed our culture.
Justin shared how technology has changed the way that we interact with each other on, how it has changed the way that we educate our children and how it has changed the way we operate our businesses. Including how reliable computer support is a non-negotiable for today’s business owners.
The message was well received. See the excerpt from the Bomaderry Rotary Bulletin below:
Guest Speaker: Justin Showell
“How Technology has Changed our Culture”
Justin was born in Wollongong and in 1998 their family moved down to the Shoalhaven. Justin attended Nowra Christian School and got into IT after leaving school in 2010. He completed a Tafe course while working with a local IT company and leant a lot of his craft on the job. In 2015 he started his own business, ShowellTech. Apart from his business Justin and his wife run the Youth ministry of City Church Nowra.
Justin then when on to explain several areas of technology that are now part of our lives. iPhones have become a large part of shaping our lives even effecting how we date and cook. Justin started his working life repairing computers which have changed the way we communicate where children are now bringing their own device to school. Hand writing has almost become a thing of the past. NBN is going to make a big difference in schools for learning. Young people instead of watching TV now go on Facebook and YouTube. Facebook is a very useful for targeted marketing of products/services where you can target certain demographics thereby narrowing down your customer base. Business is now driven by consumers within a global market. Facebook is now the largest database in the world. Technology is changing the way we communicate and our leisure activities. Justin’s talk was appreciated by an older audience