Profile avatarShowellTech

Updated: 10 January 2023

Published: 02 July 2020

In this article

    Our Pricing Structure – as of 1 January 2022 

    Since starting ShowellTech we always strive to keep our prices affordable and competitive. Over the last 18 months we have reviewed our current rates and with the increases to the cost of transacting business we are faced with the reality of having to implement a price increase.

    Our Pricing Structure

    We would like to remind you that there are a number of ways you can engage us to work on your IT Support needs for you. They are outlined below.

    Casual rates – applies to both residential and commercial customers

      1. These rates are applied to all customers not covered by prepaid hours or a Managed Service Agreement.
      2. All work is charged at an hourly rate with a minimum charge where the support is completed in less than half an hour.
      3. All work is invoiced on completion.

    Prepaid hours – applies to commercial customers only

      1. Prepaid hours are purchased as a minimum 10 hour bundle
      2. As a Prepaid client you not only pay a lower hourly rate you;
        1. are charged out in 15 minute increments and the minimum rate is not applied
        2. receive priority support response
        3. May request a report of how your hours have been utilised

    Managed Services Agreement – applies to commercial customers only

      1. A Managed Service Agreement can be as comprehensive as you need it to be. As a standard we include;
        1. Level 1/2/3 technical support (working with any onsite technical staff if applicable)
        2. Management of backups (including offsite storage).
        3. Remote monitoring and management of servers, workstations and other network devices
        4. Managed IT security including virus protection, SPAM filtering and network security
        5. Continued improvement of IT across the board inline with industry best practice
        6. Future planning, asset management and redundancy planning

    If you are interested in hearing more about our Managed Services Agreement please contact the office on 02 4488 4800 or click here to send us an email.

    Price Structure

    Our current rates for IT Support is listed below. For a full outline of our pricing structure across all our services, please send a request to our team on

    Casual IT Support: $155 per hour
    Prepaid IT Support (minimum 10hr increments) 10 hours @$125 per hour, 20 Hours @115 per hour

    All prices are exclusive of GST.

    Good to know

    It is important to note all invoices for support are issued with 14 day payment terms but we are happy to work with you to ensure you are able to meet your obligations.

    All hardware invoices are issued with 7 day payment terms.

    If you have any questions or would like to know more about how we can work with you please call us on 02 4488 4800 or click here to send us an email.

    Justin Showell
    Managing Director at ShowellTech