Published: August 28, 2019

In this article
Important community update: What’s in a name?
ALERT: This is a ShowellTech News Update to all our customers and Shoalhaven community to be aware of current confusion about another IT business with a similar name that has no connection to us.
Please be advised we are ShowellTech not ‘Shoaltech’. Yes, it sounds the same. Yes, it’s confusing. We’ve had reports of this ‘other’ business representing themselves incorrectly by allowing people to think they are us. We are currently taking serious action to remedy the issue but it is time-consuming, costly and a long haul.
Earning a strong reputation
Building a business is hard work. As a small business serving many sized businesses in the region from solo operators to established companies and large NGOs, we have diligently built our reputation for great service and problem-solving in all our IT work.
Over the last 3+ years we have helped over 100 local businesses set up or improve their IT systems, networks and hardware. We have repaired over 1,000 laptop and desktop computers. We’ve also created dozens of amazing websites that work wonders for all kinds of trade and professional business services.
So when someone ‘opens shop’ in the area claiming expertise in IT services, we wouldn’t blink an eye. That’s the nature of business: It’s competitive. We get that. But when someone tries to make a name for themselves practically using our name –or so close (except spelling) that you can’t tell the difference on the phone, that’s a problem.
Defending our good name
Since the ‘other’ business started up in June and circulated flyers, we tried to fix the confusion. Customers called us wondering ‘why we looked different’ and whether we’d moved from our office behind The Deli on Kinghorne. Or some people passed these flyers on, thinking they were promoting us.
Let us clarify: we are here and for the time being so is ‘Shoaltech IT Services’ but we cannot speak for their service, knowledge or experience. So when you contact us, be sure you speak to me, Justin Showell or my Head Technician Jacob Kelly.
It’s simple: ALL business matters. Getting a name for good business is what makes a difference. We’re proud of recently being named Finalists for the Shoalhaven Business Awards in Micro-Business and Outstanding Young Entrepreneur. We encourage our customers to give us Google reviews, like us on Facebook and share their success stories so we can keep growing strong. We appreciate your support.
Best regards,
Justin Showell
Owner at ShowellTech (not Shoaltech)